Hill of Elijah

Hill of Elijah

One of the most important sites of the Baptism Site is Elijah’s Hill, the place where Elijah ascended to heaven in the 9th century BC. The Bible states that Elijah would return before the coming of Jesus, so when John the Baptist began baptizing people there it caused a huge stir in the surrounding villages. The villagers came to inquire whether or not he was their messiah. He replied, “I am a crying voice in the wilderness, preparing the way of the Lord”.

On the western side of Elijah’s Hill, there is a cave where John lived, and where Jesus was known to visit him. This is considered a very holy site and therefore a church was built around the cave at the time the monastery was built in the 5th century. It was the first monastery east of the Jordan River on the early Christian pilgrimage route between Jerusalem and Bethlehem to the west and Mount Nebo to the East. Visually the site is very similar to how it would have looked in the time of Jesus and John, The Bible describes the reeds that can be seen throughout the year today. The small rough bushes are the natural habitat for bees, reminding us of what John the Baptist used to eat, wild honey and locusts.

Wadi al-Kharrar is the modern name for the site of ‘Saphsaphas’, which is depicted on the 6th century mosaic map of the Holy Land in Madaba. The site lies east of the Jordan River, just west of the village of Al-Kafrayn and within sight of the famous town of Jericho west of the river.

At the beginning of Wadi al-Kharrar, near the monastic complex, or “Laura”, Christian pilgrims have traditionally been shown a hill (known as Jabel Mar Elias in Arabic) where the Prophet Elijah ascended into heaven. Here, you can see a sanctuary that attracted pilgrims well into the medieval period.